Deconstructionism is, as described by its founder Jacques Derrida, a set of rules for reading, interpretation, and writing. This method of literary analysis was founded in the 1960’s, and believes that no text has a single, static meaning, but instead, a text is given new life each time it is read. The theory was developed as an extension but also a response to the ideas of structuralism, which states that no object can stand on its own, but rather must be recognized as a part of a much broader system. Deconstruction, instead, studies contradictions within texts and their structures and how they cause the text to deconstruct itself. Instead of looking for how the ideas within a text function, deconstruction looks at how they fail. A large part of this theory is the idea of differance, which states that a word, and therefore also a text, signifies what it is not, and this is how we understand the meaning of that word. This idea makes it impossible to look at a text on its own, and also allows for a variety of possible meanings. This allowed for the importance of binary opposites, by studying what an object is not, and often then which of the two opposites is the favored one in society. This resists a common belief in logocentrism, that there is a centering principle in which all beliefs are grounded.
“Diario de un creador de secretos” dice la historia de un hombre quien vive en una sociedad del futura. Su empleo es un creador de secretos. En esta sociedad, toda información es pública, y es recogido y monitorizado por el gobierno. Personas como Gastón, el personaje principal, escriben todos los secretos, pero su trabajo tiene que ser aprobado por el gobierno. A través del conocimiento de Gastón de la diferencia de la realidad y el mundo artificial en que viven todos, junto con los contrastes entre Gastón y Maite, los secretos reales y la información pública, y la comprensión verdadera y la censura y la ignorancia que están presentes en el texto, el lector puede entender el tema del poder de entendimiento y de la falta de justicia en una sociedad demasiada controlada por un gobierno.